BlueCielo Publisher 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Viewing the Publisher queue > Canceling a document

Canceling a document

Canceling a document in the Publisher queue prevents it from being published to the destination system. The document's registration remains in the Publisher database for auditing and other purposes. A canceled document may be restarted for publishing at a later time unless it is marked as obsolete as described in Marking a document as obsolete.

To cancel a document:

  1. Open the Publisher queue as described in Viewing the Publisher queue.
  2. Select the documents that you want to cancel. Press and hold the Ctrl key while clicking to select individual items. Press and hold the Shift key while selecting the first and last of a range of items.
  3. In the toolbar, click Cancel. The status of the document changes to Canceled.

Related tasks

Viewing the Publisher queue

Restarting a document

Marking a document as obsolete

Unmarking a document as obsolete

Configuring the queue display options

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